Biggin Hill Community Care Art Group

Earlier this Summer members of the Biggin Hill Community Care Art Group joined together
with much enthusiasm to mount a large art exhibition in St Mark’s Church.
The colourful display demonstrated a variety of more than 120 art works produced by
members of the Art Group and showed examples of watercolour, pastel, acrylic and oil

The Art Group is for retired people and meets at St Mark’s Hall on Wednesdays 2 – 4pm
Members provide their own art materials. This friendly, self supporting group, does not have a
tutor but caters for all abilities from novice to seasoned artist with many members offering
encouragement, help, tips, advice and the occasional demonstration.
There is a small charge of £5 per attendance and includes light refreshments of tea or coffee
and nice biscuits.


The Bromley Rock Choir performed a wonderful concert of well known ballads and rocking favourites on Saturday 13th May at St. Mark’s Church. The church was packed with an enthusiastic audience. The concert raised about £2000 which is an amazing amount and much more than we had expected thanks in part to the generosity of the choir and the audience with their support for the raffle.

We would like to thank Michael, the conductor and all of the members of the 80 strong choir for their time their hard work and their enthusiasm. Our thanks also to the members of the audience who supported the event.

Our thanks also to St. Mark’s Church for the use of the church and the hall for the evening.

An evening you shouldn’t have missed!

The amazing hamper of donated items that was raffled at the Rock Choir concert.

Easter Visit by Children from Biggin Hill Primary School

The members of our Day Centre were delighted to see the pupils from the School Council of Biggin Hill Primary School (Class representatives from Year 1 to year 6) on the Tuesday before the Easter holidays. The children presented the members with Easter eggs that had been kindly donated by the families of the school. The children spent some time talking to our members and telling them what they had been doing at school in preparation for Easter and what they were hoping to do in the Easter holidays.

The photograph above shows how generous the families of the school were! We were able to give each member of the Day Centre more than one egg each and we also distributed eggs to members of our Wednesday Lunch Club and the members who we help with shopping on a Friday morning.

Our members would like to pass on their thanks to the children, the Staff who came with them and of course the families who donated the eggs.

The children were a credit to their school and their parents and the members are hoping we may have another visit soon as they enjoyed seeing the children so much.

Queen’s Jubilee Lunch

On the 31st May BHCCA held a Jubilee Lunch in celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee. Members of the Day Centre and the Lunch Club joined in the celebration and also invited were the volunteers who help with the various activities run by BHCCA. The kitchen staff produced a wonderful 3 course meal, which was enjoyed by all. One of our volunteers made an amazing cake which was cut and passed around at the end of the afternoon. A singing group, Sweet Harmony provided some lively entertainment after the food had been consumed.

Green Flag to the rescue!

The minibus hadn’t broken down!

Six employees of Green Flag arrived at the Day Centre on the 7th June to offer their services to renovate the garden area used by our Day Centre members. Our wooden benches had been neglected for several years and were in need of a lot of TLC! Most of the team set to work sanding the benches while one member set about clearing the overgrown garden area. Once the extensive sanding was complete, the benches were then given 2 coats of paint with the oak bench being coated in teak oil. The memorial plaque n the oak bench was carefully cleaned by one of the team.

The team worked hard all the time they were there and it was a hot day! Our garden furniture now looks brand new and the garden is now clear for more plants to be put in to replace all the weeds taken out.

Our thanks go to Andrew and his team for volunteering to do in a day what it would have taken us weeks to achieve ourselves. The garden area is now being used by our Day Centre members.